Welcome to Dust Rust

Chill server with QoL Mods, enjoy your time

[AU]Dust Rust 3x Monthly|Solo/Duo/Trio|Low Upkeep Server Image
[AU]Dust Rust 3x Monthly|Solo/Duo/Trio|Low Upkeep Custom Map
5 / 50 players
A vending machine in Rust


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Which include:
  • Skin Box
  • Sign Artist
  • Simple Symmetry
  • Map preview & Queue skip
  • Raid Alert & more
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• 1 VAC or Game Ban allowed across all accounts.

• Any VAC or Game Ban must be over 1 year old (365 days)

• If you have multiple bans of different types, you will be banned. 1 VAC and 1 Game Ban is NOT allowed.

• Some exceptions may apply where evidence can be provided

• When raiding, dont be a douche and destroy boxes or any other deployable if you don’t need to.

• If you dont want loot just leave it in boxes dont despawn.

• MLRS strikes and breaking defensive deployables such as doors, SAMs, and turrets are considered raid attempts.

• Repeatedly raiding the same base or its rebuild in close proximity, regardless of the outcome, without allowing
  the owner(s) a chance to rebuild is not permitted. There must be a minimum 48-hour cooldown period.
 • Bases grouped together and owned by the same team/clan are considered one base whether they are surrounded by a compound or not.
 • A raid is considered finished 1 hr after the last boom is used.
 • If the raided player(s) retaliate within the 48hrs, They will be considered fair game.
 • Raid Bases and bases built at quarries are a no-mans-land, meaning they are not subject to the 48-hour cooldown or griefing rules.

• Do not grief a players base after you have raided them.
  This means leave all doors off or unlocked (you can place them while raiding for security, But remove them after you have moved loot)
 If you place a TC leave it unlocked and accessible (do not wall it in).

•Taking over another players base is strictly prohibited.

• Do not place external tool cupboards to grief a players build spot.

• Team limit is generally 3. Polls may be held in-game or on Discord for different team sizes.

• Players are not permitted to roam or raid with anyone who is not in their clan or team, and alliances are not allowed.

• Changing team members is not allowed unless approved by admin.

• You can only counter raids if you are ready to take on both the raiders and the defenders.

• Upkeep currently set to 25%

• No more than 1 China/SEA wall and 1 funnel wall, with 3 layers of high external/wooden walls around your base.

• Teams/Clans are limited to a maximum of 6 SAM sites each.

• Prohibiting access to large & small monuments (Dome, Oxums, Giant Excavator etc.) is not allowed; Quarries Excluded

• English only in global chat, sexist, racist, extreme toxicity, harassment, or homophobic language will not be tolerated.

• No NSFW Content, No Advertising.

• No using or Discussing Cheats in Any Form.

• Abusing any exploits will result in a ban.

• No impersonating admin or SERVER CONSOLE.

• No Doxxing/DDoS threats.

• Admins reserve the right to mute, kick, or ban players who are not following instructions, suspected of cheating, or are disrupting the communitys laid back culture.

• This includes but is not limited to:
 • Disobeying server rules.
 • Suspected cheating or exploiting.
 • Harassment or disruptive behaviour.
 • Excessive offline raiding
 • Any actions that undermine the enjoyment of the game for others.

• Admin decisions are final and not subject to appeal, though they will always strive to be fair and transparent in their actions.


Avatar of Palteric
Palteric Owner/Admin

Frequently Asked Questions

• 3 x Gather and Pickups (2 x Sulfur, 1 x Diesel because its OP)

• Better Comps - Less junk.

• 2 x GE and quarries (Subject to change).

• 2 x Crafting, Smelting and Recycler speed.

• 8 x Mixing table speed, yep we hate waiting for Teas too.

First Friday of the month at 6:30am AEST.

Every 3 months, Or when a major game update is released by FacePunch.

Best thing to do is use the in game F7 button to report player(s) - Both FacePunch and Admin will be notified and can monitor the suspect player(s).

DO NOT accuse suspected player(s) in game as it may cause them to toggle making it more difficult to detect any cheats.

There is a bunch of them :)


Avatar Name PVP Kills Deaths KDR PVE Kills NPC Kills Sleepers Killed Head Shots Suicides Times Wounded MLRS Fired Heli Hits Heli Kills APC Kills Explosives Thrown Rockets Launched Bullets Fired Structures Built Resources Gathered